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Make a Difference for Our Children!

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Parent Voices Oakland: Itzel and Jr at PlayParents and Providers for Child Care and Healthcare

Help us win the funding needed to prepare the next generation for success in schools and careers by passing Measure C on March 3rd.

Research shows that 90% of a child’s brain development occurs before age five. All of our children need a strong start in life. Measure C will provide that by:

  • Ensuring that all Alameda County families – regardless of income – have access to high quality child care.
  • Ensuring that child care providers, who often don’t make enough money to pay rent in Alameda, are paid at least $15 an hour so that we can attract and retain the best people to care for our kids.
  • Ensuring that Children’s Hospital – Alameda County’s Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center – continues to provide world class care for all children in Alameda County.
  • Allowing Children’s Hospital to continue providing critical care to all local families – including those who need it most but cannot afford to pay.

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