Volunteer Opportunities

Adopt Your Block

Get your neighbors to support full investment in the children of your community.
Parent and / or Provider in the Pulpit. We will work with you to do a presentation at your church or coordinate you to work with another 3P at a local church to get petitions and pledges to support our kids.

Adopt a School

We will work with you to coordinate gathering signature at your school or a neighborhood school to gather signatures of parents when parents drop their kids at school.

Walk with Us

We have Saturday Mobilizations you can sign up for and join others who care about winning full healthcare and childcare for our communities.

Share on Social Media

Take a minute to say you support Parents and Providers and ask your friends to join you.

For daily updates and information to share, follow us on Facebook. You can also join our private group Child Care for All to connect with other parents, providers, and advocates in the fight for high quality child care in our county.